Find your HOPE again

H - Hopefulness
O - Optimism
P - Positivity
E - Energy

HOPE is our new bereavement peer support group and it is run by Adur Health Partnership’s Practice Champions. They who will lend a listening ear so you can share your grief. Although HOPE is not a counselling nor clinical session, we will be talking about grief and how it effects different people differently and how you can find your HOPE again.

Our sessions start on 10th June 2024 and are held every fortnight. Please do join us for a cup of tea in a safe environment of Shoreham Health Centre from 10.30am to 12.00pm.

Your Practice Champions and AHP

We appreciate that not everyone who has been touched by grief can access this post, so if you know someone who might benefit from these sessions, please let them know about HOPE.

Published: May 21, 2024